Jonathan Meyers | Founder
Tel: 843-996-0892
After graduating from Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado, Jonathan had the opportunity to return to his hometown in Bigfork, Montana. There, he began his career in agriculture as the Orchard & Production Manager for Glacier Fresh Cherries. He went on to work for GP Graders first as a Lead on Cherry machine installs, and then as a Service Technician supporting Cherry Customers. In 2016, he joined Compac Sorting Equipment, where he started as a Technology Trainer and then an Applications Engineer. In both roles, he worked with a variety of commodities including Stonefruit, Apples, Potatoes, Onions, Citrus, Avocados & Cherries.
These roles provided him with the opportunity to visit & work with packhouses & colleagues around the world. He has spent the last couple of years developing BuenaFruta's software, along with continuing to provide operations support to packhouses on a contract-basis.